Head of the Lab

prof. Ing. Ivan Kotuliak, PhD
professor, head of the Lab, dean of the Faculty
Research topics: Networks, Telecommunication, Blockchain
Ivan Kotuliak received PhD degree from both Versailles University and Slovak University of Technology in 2003. His research activities lastly focus on Blockchain and its application into public and also private activities to enhance governance. Previous orientation and successful research projects included network performance, including NGN architecture, wireless and mobile networking, VoIP systems and Future Internet. He has been author and co-author of more than sixty scientific papers and leads and participates on several international and national research projects.
Professors & Doctors

prof. Ing. Pavel Čičák, PhD.

Ing. Katarína Jelemenská, PhD.
Head of the institute

Dipl.-Ing. Michal Ries, Dr. techn.
In charge for research projects

Ing. Dominik Macko, PhD.
BALAŽIA, Ján, Ing., PhD.
BENCEL, Rastislav, Ing., PhD.
BINDER, Andrej, Ing., PhD.
BOROS, Tomáš, Ing., PhD.
GALINSKI, Marek, Ing. PhD.
HATALA, Michal, Ing. PhD.
HELEBRANDT, Pavol, Ing., PhD.
KOVÁČIK, Tomáš, Ing., PhD.
LAŠTINEC, Ján, Ing., PhD.
MACKO, Dominik, Ing., PhD.
PALÚCHOVÁ, Ivana, Ing. PhD.
SABO, Martin, Ing., PhD.
ŠOLTÉS, Lukáš, Ing., PhD.
TRÚCHLY, Peter, Ing., PhD.
PhD Candidates
BAKONYI, Peter, Ing.
BINDAS, Bystrík, Ing.
BINDER, Martin, Ing.
ERDELYI, Jaroslav, Ing.
FINDURA, Jakub, Ing.
GINTER, Jakub, Ing.
GREŽO, Rudolf, Ing.
KAŇUCH, Peter, Ing.
KOŠŤÁL, Kristián, Ing.
KUNŠTÁR, Vladimír, Ing.
LANČARIČ, Viktor, Ing.
LEHOCZKÝ, Peter, Mgr.
MASTIĽAK, Lukáš, Ing.
SKALNÝ, Ján, Ing.
ŠULÁK, Viktor, Ing.
VALACH, Alexander, Ing.